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What’s your Story – Author Services

Akosua (Jackie) Brown has been serving authors since 2016. Founder Akosua Brown has a background in traditional publishing as well as with a literary agency. She decided to set up on her own to help self-publishers produce books with the same quality as those you see on bookshelves. She set up the company because, as a single mom of four, she figured she could work more flexible hours if she was in charge of her schedule.

Akosua Brown can help right from the beginning, before you’ve even put a word on the page. For example, if you are struggling to clarify your idea, call Akosua Brown. They also help those with completed books creating solutions for distribution, sales platforms, and strategies to target your ideal readers. From the beginning to end of the publishing process, Akosua Brown and her team help. They are your partner in publishing, and they are by your side a page at a time.

Contact Name: Akosua (Jackie) Brown

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