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Welcome to The Cove!

The Cove is a dedicated headquarters for evaluated resources, all kinds of help and empathy from like-minded souls. We aim to give you the tools to master each day – bonkers days included! Let us help you spend less time searching for answers and more time enjoying life!

Who says life has to be hard?

As a non-profit organization founded in 2020, The Cove is an ever-growing power circle of support built for single mothers. It’s a place to grow together, support each other and share info, experiences and ideas. Helping you find more time to spend on yourself, your kids and your interests is why we’re doing this.


The Cove is your all-access pass to supportive pros, articles & info on parenting, money, relationships, career, health and more – all mom referred.


Meet other single moms, share your battles and triumphs among friends and allies, get and give advice to gain strength and confidence.

A letter from Athena

Dear Single Parent:

In 2006, I got divorced and found myself single with a toddler. I was moving to a different area of town where I knew no one, and had no help nearby. Add in the fact that I was newly self-employed… and I was staring down a big, new situation. 

As years passed, I grew adept at changing hats from nurturing mom to primary breadwinner to home handywoman. Sure, there were moments when I looked at my son, turned away and cried, because I had no clue what I was doing. Or maybe it was just exhaustion. Yet there were other moments –  like when he finally learned to tie his shoelaces – that felt like a lottery win. And although I know all moms feel the burdens of motherhood, there’s a big difference when you’re doing it on your own and juggling all the other demands of life.

Regardless of how you became a single parent, the challenges we face have many similarities. There’s never enough time. When we do find a few moments, although we want to be having fun with our kids and making memories, we tend to fill them up with some long-overdue task or chore. Sometimes, there isn’t enough money. Even when there is, we tend to find a way to spend it for the benefit of our kids. 

The Cove aims to give you extra time, efficiency and a better all-round life as a single mom. To speed up the must-do aspects of your day so you have more time to have fun with your kids or to take care of yourself. It’s a specialized resource for single parents offering mom-tested information and trusted partners to help you when you don’t know where to turn… like when the sump pump, furnace or car quits.

I believe we moms need to look out for one another. This website reflects that, providing opportunities for those in need of help, and those offering it. I sure wish it had existed when I began the single parent life. 

I’d love to hear from you on what features are working for you and how we can keep improving The Cove. If I can offer one piece of advice I would tell you to stop and smell the roses once in a while – for yourself and for your kids. I’m trying to do a bit more of that myself. 

Welcome to The Cove.


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