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September 2021 Newsletter

It’s September – you made it !!


These days it’s all about back to school shopping, back to school lunch ideas, back to school uniforms, finding out this past Saturday that they’ve outgrown everything this summer (again), and getting ready to start packing lunches, masks and hand sanitizer. Here comes last minute assignments that are gonna happen (you already know it), proof-reading essays, “Mom I need project supplies”, homework, tests and exams, boy trouble, girl trouble, and whatever else this school year brings. I say we take this year back! We’ve done it before, and gosh darn it we can do it again. Cuz we’ve been stay at home Moms juggling their worlds and ours bloody brilliantly for the last 18 months!


Admittedly, the first few months were a seeerious learning curve but we made the best of it, because it’s just for a little while, right? Then it became tedious and we were asking “how much longer?” like a four year-old on a road trip. Then it got downright difficult and tensions were high. And then, as this became our new normal we pulled up our deliciously stretchy exercise-wear (which was now our “work clothes”), and got down to figuring this out before someone lost their sh!t.


And here we are in September about to start a new school year in what appears to just maybe be a normal year (shhh don’t jinx it). I for one am soooo bloody thrilled that the kids will get back to some kind of normal. A lot has changed, but they will get to be IN school, they will get to be with their friends, they will get to make new friends, play sports, walk, talk, debate, vent, climb, laugh and giggle and be real kids again. We could all use some of that now.


But the biggest take-away? You made it! You did it! You got yourself and your family through it. We have all learned some things, both good and not so good. We are experienced and prepared in case we have to do it again (but please pray that we do not!). It wasn’t a flawless existence, nor was it easy by any stretch of the imagination. But let this sink it….YOU DID IT!!!

Let’s celebrate !!!

I would like you to take a moment of self reflection and realize what you and your children have accomplished over the last 18 months! It’s HUGE! Seriously HUGE! Be proud of yourself. Hug your kids and say “We did it, and now we know how!” Everyone in your home, and perhaps some others outside of it who helped along the way too, deserves a celebration. Let’s celebrate whatever we can. Remember to look for reasons to pat ourselves and each other on the back.

One thing I have definitely learned is that not only should we look for, but sometimes create reasons to make everyone smile. Create a new and awesome memory, or find something to celebrate regardless of how seemingly simple it may seem. Tidied your room? Yes! Your choice of movie and accompanying junk food tonight. Everyone at the table actually cleared their plates and put them INSIDE the dishwasher? Yes! Ice cream store for dessert tonight. You get the idea. Life is too short, the months fly by waaaay too fast, and if we don’t celebrate the little things and make memories along the way, it will be too late to go back. As Nike says “Just do it!”

Now that they are back to school, let’s find some time for YOU!

Don’t think that I’ve forgotten it’s the last month of our Self Care quarter. Nah uhhhh! I’m still going to share some ideas, because now that the kidlets are going back to school I KNOW you have at least 15 minutes a day for some self care because most of you will finally have some alone time. Use your time wisely. Use a bit of it, or hell use a LOT of it, on YOU! Let’s see what some of our Trusted Partners have to offer. Maybe it’s time to start that hobby you’ve been dying to learn how to do, or treat yourself to something hand made like this beautiful glasswork. Or perhaps mindfulness and fabulous oils have been calling your name all summer and you just couldn’t get to it. Maybe you have a new business venture that you are finally ready to get off the ground, but need some funding or a grant? Ready to write a book? Reach out to Jackie Brown. Dedicate some time to getting healthy with V10 Health or Gravitate Studios or Bella Fit Yoga or Thrive Nutrition. Find something that will feed your glorious and giving soul after doing so much for so many others. It’s time to replenish YOU!!

You are doing such an amazing job. Keep up the great work!!

We hope that you find inspiration and a multitude of ideas here at The Cove! We would love for you to share our space with any other single Moms that you know so that our community can grow and we can have all that much more to share with each other. The more we share, the more we grow, and the stronger we all become!


As always, we love hearing from you, so please keep your stories and comments coming in. You can share with us on our facebook page. You can also email us at We look forward to hearing from you soon!

If you haven’t been to our new website yet, please come check us out. You can register for free to have access to all the articles and resources that we want to share with you. If you registered on our previous landing page, we would ask you to re-register on the new site so that you will have full access. We know you’re going to love it here!

Take care of those you love, AND YOURSELF TOO! 

From your Cove Team Moms,
Athena, Aleka, Michele & Heidi