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March 2022 Newsletter

International Women’s Day!  

In terms of great days during the span of a year, which ones are your favourite? I don’t need roses on Valentine’s Day, chocolate for Easter, or gifts on my birthday. It is days like today, International Women’s Day, and my kids’ birthdays that make me reflect and smile. Women have come a long way baby! There is no doubt about that. But have you actually sat down and reflected on the sheer magnitude of what the women who have gone before us endured and fought for and changed? It’s crazy! It’s awesome! It’s mind-boggling! 

It makes me sad that we cannot be equals, everyone on every level. Maybe that saying holds true … “there’s always one bad apple in the bunch”. Having said that, I do have faith. Faith that one day soon everyone will treat everyone as equals. Pipe dream? Perhaps. Here’s another saying … “but a girl can dream.” It’s important to dream, to have hope, to help our children believe that they can be the ones to make meaningful change. That’s how we women do it – we empower each other and the next generation. I have watched my daughter become one of those little fighters for equality for all. She didn’t get the “fighter” part from me, that’s for sure. But the passionate part? I always tried to open her eyes and educate her living by the “do unto others” spirit. It is amazing to watch your children become passionate about causes they believe in. You wonder, did I have something to do with that? You bet your booty you did!

Moms, be proud of the values you have instilled in your children. Acknowledge that you did have something to do with their greatness, their kind souls and loving nature. Their zest for life and adventure, and their forever quest for bettering themselves. Yep, you did that. Give yourself a hug! You’re doing an awesome job!


Why should we celebrate being a woman an a mom?

Well that’s easy…. because you deserve it. Being a mom is no joke. Being a working mom is challenging. Being a single working mom is a whole other story. It’s scary. It’s exhausting. It’s frustrating, lonely and isolating sometimes. But you know what else it is? Rewarding when they run to you with their A+ test. Satisfying as you see them master printing their name for the first time. Hilarious when they retell a funny thing that happened at school. Awesome when a hug from Mom can make things all better. Pride inducing that you provide for them all by yourself. Personally satisfying knowing that you have made a safe and happy home for your children and that they are thriving because of YOU. Every step you take, and every decision you make is always about them. They may not know it yet because they are too little, but they will, and they will cherish and respect you for it endlessly. You will feed their desire to do good in the world, to support women on International Women’s Days in the future. And THAT, is spectacular!!!


Perpetual Giving and Learning

Here is a super article from Entrepreneur with ideas about celebrating women, not just on International Women’s Day, but all year ’round, supporting your dreams, and helping guide more women along with you. 

I love the idea from this article to find mentors. Women are so amazingly open to support and discussion to learn and grow. And we all want to help each other. That is another beautiful thing about being a woman … our teamwork, our friendships, and our never-ending support of each other.


We wish you a fabulous March, and look forward to seeing you in April when we begin our Home Quarter!

Here at The Cove Global our mission is to save Moms time simply because it is so valuable. Less wasted time means more time to spend making memories with the munchkins, more time on well earned and much needed self care, or more time building your business that you have put your heart and soul (and money) into. Keep track of your time, take back some time, and make great use of it for your benefit. Sounds like another great goal for 2022!


We love hearing from you, so please keep your stories and comments coming in. Share with us on our facebook page, or email us at We look forward to hearing from you soon!

If you haven’t been to our new website yet, please come check us out. You can become a member for free to gain access to all the articles and resources that we want to share with you. If you registered on our previous landing page, we would ask you to re-register on the new site so that you will have full access. We know you’re going to love it here!

You are amazing. You are making a difference. 

From your Cove Team Moms,
Athena, Aleka, Michele & Heidi