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August 2021 Newsletter

August – the last month of summer…already?!

Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Where the heck did the summer go? It seems like last week I was writing about what to do with the kids this summer. And now, the countdown to returning to school (God willing) begins. Having said that, let’s ignore it for another few weeks (full Mom denial) and see what else we can do to feed our souls to keep us happy and grounded and being the best Moms that we can be. After all, this is our Self Care quarter here at The Cove, so let’s jump in with both feet. Find a new habit, learn a new happy trick, see something that resonates with you that you can do each and every day. Remember that self care doesn’t have to be anything massive if you don’t want (or need) it to be. Sometimes, just a wee tweak here or there can make all the difference!

Finding your happy thoughts.

Remember the term “your happy place”? Well, I came across this great site called Find the Good Everyday. It’s creator, Katie, is from the UK. She is a Mom, and a realist in search of happiness every day.  Katie has some great tips and ideas including my favourite – make a list of 100 things that make me happy. (I will get to it soon, I swear!) But Katie also loves bullet journaling, writing, and basically sourcing out ideas to help make you feel healthy and happy. I suggest having a peek.

Nourishing your soul a different way.

I met a wonderful woman this week, ironically also named Katie. Soulfeast Katie has a totally different approach to self care and nourishing your soul – through food! As a holistic nutritionist, Katie also adds her skills as a Reiki Master, and her BA in Psychology to help bring you happiness. She combines a variety of modalities to help you re-centre. She even offers online cooking classes, and cooking retreats!! Say whaaat? And guess what? Katie has joined us as a Trusted Partner in The Cove so you will all be able to find her easily on our site once you join as a member (FREE!). You can look forward to hearing from Katie soon.


The five areas of YOU that need self care.

Physical, Social, Mental, Spiritual, Emotional

You already know that these work together to create the complete version of who you are. It is important to look after all facets of you because lacking in one area doesn’t allow another to flourish as it should either. Let’s see what’s included in each area, as set out in an article in Very Well Mind, which you can find on The Cove website.

Physical: sleep, foods you eat, fitness and managing any other health issues.

Social: maintaining connections and in person time with friends, making new friends outside your usual group helps which helps develop your mind by having new conversations.

Mental: learning to have a positive outlook, empathy, kindness, reading stimulating books, watching inspirational movies.

Spiritual: spirituality, religion, meditation, mindfulness, connecting with nature and the universe in your own way.

Emotional: having a way to manage stressful emotions to develop your coping skills, such as having a friend to talk to, a therapist, journaling, a calming activity like a craft or jogging to clear your head.


You’re a work in progress getting better all the time.

One of the many things I love about our Self Care quarter is that we can all relate to the need for a self care plan. Whether we like it or not, deep down we know we need it. It will be different for each of us, but necessary for all of us.  Maybe you’re ready to take on a big change, or perhaps you are more comfortable making a few little changes. We hope that you find a multitude of ideas at The Cove that help you find what works for YOU! 


As always, we love hearing from you, so please keep your stories and comments coming in. You can share with us on our facebook page. You can email us at We look forward to hearing from you soon!


If you haven’t been to our new website yet, please come check us out. You can register for free to have access to all the articles and resources that we want to share with you. If you registered on our previous landing page, we would ask you to re-register on the new site so that you will have full access. We know you’re going to love it here!

Take care of those you love, AND YOU! 

From your Cove Team Moms,
Athena, Aleka, Michele & Heidi