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How introducing your kids to art can ignite a passion for learning

ART & ACADEMICS go hand in hand…there is so much to learn from art, the skill itself, the process, the materials, the time it takes, and the glorious outcome. Here comes another personal confession…I’m an arts & crafts junkie. I’m that Mom that saved toilet paper rolls, shoeboxes, canisters, twigs, fake grass, sand, stones, markers and paints and felt and pipe-cleaners. In my eyes, everything had the potential of being a weekend or school project, right?

I always loved seeing what my children and their playdates would create when given a variety of materials. This doesn’t just apply to the little ones either. Your tweens and teens should immerse themselves in the world of art also. Feeding those creative juices helps reduce stress a LOT! If one project doesn’t “take”, then just try something else. You never know what will pique your or your children’s interest. And then….the world is a canvas!

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